This plug-in allows you to sync coupons collection into your MongoDB cluster. In this way you can perform queries, lookups and all other things easily with WeivData. There isn't any filtering etc. limit for these collections which you may see when you use WixData.

Right now you have 3 functions to sync these collections:

  • Coupons (WixMarketingCoupons)

The database name depends on your choice. You can configure it with config function.

We do not suggest writing to these collections, use these collections to only read data from it.

Functions are designed to work with wix-marketing.v2 APIs Events. Define events inside the events.js file and point the functions you import from this plugin.


import { SyncWixApps } from '@exweiv/weiv-data';
const { wixMarketing } = SyncWixApps;

export const wixMarketing_onCouponCreated = (event) => wixMarketing.onCouponCreated(event);
export const wixMarketing_onCouponDeleted = (event) => wixMarketing.onCouponDeleted(event);
export const wixMarketing_onCouponUpdated = (event) => wixMarketing.onCouponUpdated(event);
interface wixMarketing {
    onCouponCreated(event: any): Promise<void>;
    onCouponDeleted(event: any): Promise<void>;
    onCouponUpdated(event: any): Promise<void>;


  • Parameters

    • event: any

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • event: any

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • event: any

    Returns Promise<void>