WeivDataConfig: {
    defaultDatabaseName?: string;
    defaultIdType?: "String" | "ObjectID";
    enableSyncLogs?: boolean;
    syncDatabase?: string;

Type declaration

  • OptionaldefaultDatabaseName?: string

    You can specify the default database name here, this is optional and can be overwritten by the collectionId you pass to functions. If not defined default value will be ExWeiv.

  • OptionaldefaultIdType?: "String" | "ObjectID"

    You can change the default _id type in WeivData, this option can be overwritten by the options you pass to the functions. There are only two options: "String" or "ObjectID". If you don't pick any of these default will be "String".

  • OptionalenableSyncLogs?: boolean

    When enabled we will log information about sync operations (errors are always logged).


    Wix Members Created Runs - {entityId}
  • OptionalsyncDatabase?: string

    This is the name of the database that you want to use to insert the data of Wix app collections. It can be any database you want.

WeivData config object with required and optional flags. For now there isn't any option to change.