ErrorsList: {
    "00000": "No error message provided";
    "00001": "The value type your've provided is not valid, make sure you pass valid value.";
    "00002": "BeforeHook Error.";
    "00003": "AfterHook Error.";
    "00004": "WeivData.Query.count error";
    "00005": "WeivData.Query.distnict error";
    "00006": "WeivData.Query.find error";
    "00007": "CollectionID is not in valid format, it should be a string and must look like this: DatabaseName/CollectionName";
    "00008": "Hook name type is invalid";
    "00009": "Internal Error";
    "00010": "Internal ID Converter Error";
    "00011": "Error when trying to find the currently logged-in member/visitor id in Wix Members.";
    "00012": "Something is wrong with queryReferenced function internal pipeline.";
    "00013": "Error while trying to find the _id of referenced/referring document/s.";
    "00014": "Error with Secrets, something went wrong with Wix Secret Manager";
    "00015": "Update Error";
    "00016": "General Error";
    "00017": "Reference Function Error";
    "00018": "Native Function Error";
    "00019": "Error while removing cached values of WeivData";
    "00020": "Error with filtering methods, make sure you pass valid filter parameters in valid types";
    "00021": "Error on WeivData config object, make sure you pass correct config object";
    "00022": "Collection Manager Error";
    "00023": "Aggegration Error";
    "00024": "Wix Application Sync Error";
    "00025": "Wix Application Sync Error - Event data not found, don't forget to pass the event object from the Wix event function";
    "00026": "You didn't configure any database name to sync Wix apps data!";

Type declaration

  • 00000: "No error message provided"

    If you see this error, it means something is wrong and you should create a new issue on GitHub.

  • 00001: "The value type your've provided is not valid, make sure you pass valid value."

    This error usually means a parameter or something similar is in invalid format. For example instead of a string you may pass undefined or a number. Make sure you pass correct value type.

  • 00002: "BeforeHook Error."

    There is something wrong in your before hook function.

  • 00003: "AfterHook Error."

    There is something wrong in your after hook function.

  • 00004: "WeivData.Query.count error"

    Count method of query class returned with an error. Something went wrong with count function in query.

  • 00005: "WeivData.Query.distnict error"

    Distnict method of query class returned with an error. Something went wrong with distnict function in query.

  • 00006: "WeivData.Query.find error"

    Find method of query class returned with an error. Something went wrong with find function in query.

  • 00007: "CollectionID is not in valid format, it should be a string and must look like this: DatabaseName/CollectionName"

    If you see this error it means you've entered an invalid CollectionID because our parser were not able to find the both db and collection names. Make sure your CollectionID is in correct format. See example below:

    const collectionId = "dbName/collectionName";
  • 00008: "Hook name type is invalid"

    If you see this it's more likely to be an internal error and not your fault.

  • 00009: "Internal Error"

    Error occurred in an internal function not directly in the function you called. See details in the log message for more information.

  • 00010: "Internal ID Converter Error"

    There is something wrong when converting _id fields. This error is more likely to be an internal error and not your fault.

  • 00011: "Error when trying to find the currently logged-in member/visitor id in Wix Members."

    This error is more likely to be related with Wix APIs, function that throws this error is responsible for finding current user id, it can be an admin, member or a visitor ID.

  • 00012: "Something is wrong with queryReferenced function internal pipeline."

    This error is coming from a helper function which is responsible for returning aggregation pipeline for finding referenced documents via queryReferenced.

  • 00013: "Error while trying to find the _id of referenced/referring document/s."

    This error is related with reference functions like queryReferenced, insertReference etc. Make sure your items/documents contains _id field with a valid value.

  • 00014: "Error with Secrets, something went wrong with Wix Secret Manager"

    This error is related with functions that's using Wix Secrets APIs to get the secret value from Secret Manager.

  • 00015: "Update Error"

    Something went wrong with a function that's trying to update the document, see the log details.

  • 00016: "General Error"

    These errors contains all required information in the log message. We will convert all of these errors to a more user-friendly format in the future.

  • 00017: "Reference Function Error"

    These errors belongs to functions that deals with references. These errors are more general errors and usually contains related details in the log message.

  • 00018: "Native Function Error"

    This error is coming from .native function of WeivData which should return a colleciton cursor so user can work with original MongoDB driver directly.

  • 00019: "Error while removing cached values of WeivData"

    Removing cached values of WeivData was not successful.

  • 00020: "Error with filtering methods, make sure you pass valid filter parameters in valid types"

    When you use filtering features of .query, .aggregate and .filter functions in WeivData you will see this error if something is wrong.

  • 00021: "Error on WeivData config object, make sure you pass correct config object"

    This error is related with errors coming from config generator function.

  • 00022: "Collection Manager Error"

    This error is coming from functions that's handling collection related things:

    • createCollection
    • deleteCollection
    • listCollections
    • renameCollection
  • 00023: "Aggegration Error"

    This error is related with .aggregate function in WeivData.

  • 00024: "Wix Application Sync Error"

    First of all Wix apps are firing events delayed time to time, and even if it's very rare you may have problems with events. This is how Wix app collections works right now. For example, after you update a product the update event may run after 5 minutes. Yes it can be delayed that long time, and only thing you can do is contact Wix support and report this issue.

    If there is an error with sync operation you will see all logs in a custom database called WeivDataWixAppsSyncLogs in this database you will see collections for each Wix application and logs with required information.

    Example data in collections:

    "message": "Item couldn't be updated, due to error",
    "entityId": "09b39848-a4eb-4798-bee7-d9463474f812",
    "metadata": {}
  • 00025: "Wix Application Sync Error - Event data not found, don't forget to pass the event object from the Wix event function"

    Another common WixSync plug-in error, this means that event object is undefined and due to this sync function can't work. Make sure you pass the event object that's exported from the native Wix event hook.

  • 00026: "You didn't configure any database name to sync Wix apps data!"

    This is also another error from WixSync plug-in it means that you didn't configure the database name you want to use for your sync operations. The selected database name will be used when saving/deleting the Wix applications data.